Program Spotlight: Marywood University — The PA Platform

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Program Spotlight: Marywood University


Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania

Number of students: Approximately 40

Application Cycle: CASPA by November 1st, unless you are a Marywood student and then you may apply internally

Interview dates: August - October

Start date: May

Length of Program: 24 months

Public/Private: Private

HCE: 500 hours minimum

GPA: Minimum 3.0 overall and in science prerequisites (must be completed in last 7 years)

Shadowing: No specific requirement

The Good Stuff: 

  • You can choose a clinical focus for rotations - orthopedics, hospitalist, emergency medicine, or general surgery
  • Post-bacc program to become eligible for PA school
  • Pre-PA program - if you meet certain requirements, you can either have a guaranteed interview or guaranteed acceptance! 

Program Link: Marywood PA Program

For the most up to date information on PA programs in one place, check out The Applicant’s Manual of Physician Assistant Programs. (Affiliate link)