** Updated February 2020 **
Location: Richmond, VA
Accreditation Status: Provisional
Learn more about what provisional accreditation status means for you.
Number of students: 36
Application Cycle: April 1st - August 1st through CASPA
Interview dates: July-September
Start date: January
Length of Program: 27 months
Public/Private: Private
HCE: Recommended, but no specific requirement
GPA: Minimum 3.0 overall; minimum Biology-Chemistry-Physics GPA of 3.0
Shadowing: Recommended, but no specific requirement
Total Tuition: $84,600.00
The Good Stuff:
Quarter system
Working is not recommended, but allowed up to 15 hours during the didactic year
GRE is required, and preference is given to scores greater than the 50th percentile
Behavioral interview style
Pending accreditation September 2017
Program Link: South University PA Program Website - Richmond, VA
For the most up to date information on PA programs in one place, check out The Applicant’s Manual of Physician Assistant Programs. (Affiliate link)