Accepted: Cayley - Mercer University — The PA Platform

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Accepted: Cayley - Mercer University


Undergraduate education: University of Georgia- Health Promotion and Behavior Major

Overall GPA: 3.8

Science GPA: 3.71

GRE: 314

Total PCE hours: 650, though I am still working part time gaining hours every week.

Shadowing hours: 50

Other Volunteer hours: Gained a lot of volunteer hours serving as the Pre-PA President at UGA. I also volunteered as a tutor for around 100 hours and participated in UGA’s Shop With A Bulldawg.

LORs: Anatomy professor/ Pre-PA Association advisor, Dermatology PA, Surgeon at the Maxillofacial surgery office I work as a surgical assistant at, Executive Director of Good Samaritan Health Clinic (the office I volunteered as a medical assistant at for two years)

How many times did you apply?:  1

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Why PA? I love the ability to switch specialties throughout my future career, the teamwork aspect that is so prevalent in the profession, and the flexibility I will be able to have later in my personal life outside of work.

How many programs did you apply to? 1

How many programs did you interview with and what were the outcomes? 1- accepted

Where will you be attending? YES, Mercer in Atlanta, GA

Anything you found surprising about interviews? Mercer’s interview was very laid back and very low stress. They switched this year from MMI to group interview style which I did not prepare for.

Were there any helpful resources (books, websites, apps) you used to get through prerequisite courses, the application or interview process? The PA School Interview Guide was amazing!

Any other advice for other pre-PA students? Start getting those patient care hours early! I think having all of the experience as a medical assistant and surgical assistant really set my application apart from other applicants. Also, having been involved with my schools pre- PA association for so long and served on exec twice showed my dedication to the profession, so I encourage everyone to look into joining their own schools chapter!

Where can we find you? Instagram- @cayleyjohnson