Accepted: Karla - George Washington University — The PA Platform

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Accepted: Karla - George Washington University

Undergraduate education: Towson University

Overall GPA: 3.49

Science GPA: 3.43

GRE: 307

PA-CAT: Did not take

Total PCE hours: 32,250. I worked as a dermatology medical assistant at a private office. I worked as an ED technician at Johns Hopkins Hospital

Total HCE hours: 685. I worked as a Spanish interpreter and caregiver for adults with disabilities during the pandemic.

Shadowing hours: 221. For an entire summer, I shadowed a PA and MD that were hand specialists. I was really able to sit down and compare the differences between a physician and a PA and learned how they collaborated with one another. I shadowed a PA in dermatology, an MD in brain and spine, and went to Ecuador (where my parents are originally from) to shadow a physician. I was able to learn how medicine was practiced in a third world country

Volunteer hours: 490. I was super involved in my sorority’s philanthropy Autisms Speaks, I volunteered in hospitals, Spanish organization camp counselor, math tutor for title 1 middle school

How many times did you apply?:  1

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Why PA? I want to be a PA because I want to make a difference in the medical care that minorities receive. My goal is to advocate for disabled patients rights, reduce racial disparity, and use my understanding of cultural differences to establish a good rapport with patients.

How many programs did you apply to? 10

Where will you be attending? George Washington University

Were there any helpful resources (books, websites, webinars, etc) you used to get through prerequisites courses, the application or interview process? Savanna Perry’s book, it was such a smooth and easy read that perfectly laid out the do’s and dont’s of an interview. There is absolute GOLD advice in that book that makes me super glad to have read it before my interviews!

Any advice for other pre-PA students? Do not compare your GPA to everyone else. Worst mistake I ever made and I’m glad I didn’t apply to another masters program to raise my GPA! The truth is, you are being looked at all over. Your application can shine bright in one area but not the other. I knew going into this application cycle that my GPA was the weakest point but that I had to find my strengths. I wanted to prove to the admissions that I wasn’t going to let that define me and instead focused on diversifying my experience. I strongly suggest Pre- PA’s to take a short CNA course at their local community college and work in the ED as a technician. This is such a rewarding, humbling, and challenging job that gave me so much growth as an individual and future provider. I was able to really have an understanding of what collaboration looked like in pressuring moments. Lastly, be proud of yourself. You have worked so hard to get to this point so take a moment to let that sink in.

Where can we find you? (Instagram, TikTok, Website, etc) - @karlaurgilezz