Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Number of students: Planning to accept 50 students
Application Cycle: April - November 1st through CASPA
Interview dates: June - unknown due to this being the first class. Rolling admissions, so likely until class is full.
Start date: Expected to start first class January 2017
Length of Program: 27 months
Public/Private: Private
HCE: Recommended, but no specific requirement
GPA: Overall >3.0, BCP science >3.0, all prerequisites with grade of C or better
Shadowing: No specific requirement
The Good Stuff:
- Program is seeking accreditation this year for Provisional status
- GRE is required, with preference to scores >50th percentile
- Biochem OR organic chem
- Courses from 4-yr college or university are given preference
- Labs recommended, but not required, for General Biology courses
- On a quarter system instead of semesters
- Cannot have more than 2 outstanding prereqs at time of application to be considered
- "Behavioral interviews" - 2 general interviews (either 1-on-1 or 2-on-1), and 1 with the program director
Program Link: South University (West Palm Beach) PA Program Website
For the most up to date information on PA programs in one place, check out The Applicant’s Manual of Physician Assistant Programs. (Affiliate link)

Program Spotlight: Samford University